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"Puddycat 2017", 2017, oil/linen, 20x9
Gift for Chris Hougen Nienow, done from her photo
"Wardrobe Mistress", 2017, oil/canvas, 14x11. Featured my Tokyo acquired cat Nadia. Sold.
"Ohayo Gozimasu", 2017,oil/linen, 8x10.
Feaured my Tokyo cat Nadia's calico mom Misha. Sold
"Nemesis Pouting", 2018, oil/linen, 14x14. Featured my DLH cat Nemesis who ran away from home in Indiana in 1978.
"Remembering Tayo", 2018, oil/ linen, 12x12. Featured my sister Jan's childhood seal point Siamese kitten.
"Librarian", 2017, oil/canvas, 12x18. Featured our quietest and most short-lived cat Picasso as a kitten.
"Listen Up", 2018, oil/linen, 12x12. Featured my most faithful and long-living cat Bernoulli.
"Remembering December", 2017, oil/canvas, 8x14. Featured our short-lived kitten Picasso and his foster brother Rembrandt.
"Relaxing With Friends", 2017, oil/canvas,10x8.
Featured my Tokyo cat Nadia with some stuffed toys who co-starred with her in my Japanese language cartoon "Tomodachi."
"Checking the Landline", 2017, oil/masonite, 24x12. Featured young adult Picasso checking out telephone wiring.
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